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OJJDP Forum to Promote Behavioral Health Outcomes for Youth and Families

The OJJDP co-funded Forum on Promoting Children’s Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine will host the interactive public workshop “Training the Future Child Health Care Workforce to Improve Behavioral Health Outcomes for Children, Youth and Families” on November 29-30, 2016 in Washington, DC. The workshop will focus … Continue reading OJJDP Forum to Promote Behavioral Health Outcomes for Youth and Families

Briefing on Substance Use Disorders and Child Welfare

U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, Room SVC 201-00 First St NE, Washington

Children and Family Futures invites you to a briefing on what works to address parental substance use disorders among families in the child welfare system. Panelists will provide an overview of the scope of the problem, what current evaluations are demonstrating on what works to improve outcomes for children and families, and implications for child welfare policy. They will … Continue reading Briefing on Substance Use Disorders and Child Welfare

An Educational Briefing with NCA and the NCTSN

2226 Rayburn House Office Building Washington

Hosted by National Children’s Alliance (NCA) & The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) & in coordination with The Congressional Victims Rights Caucus In America, a child is abused every thirteen seconds. For so many of these children, the impact of this serious crime is felt long after the abuse stop. Understanding the potential lifelong … Continue reading An Educational Briefing with NCA and the NCTSN