Report to the Pennsylvania State Roundtable: Father Engagement Workgroup.

Pennsylvania Father Engagement Workgroup. This Report documents the result of an effort in Pennsylvania to engage fathers in the child welfare process. It includes Judicial Bench Cards, a list of barriers and proposed solutions to father engagement, pre and post services assessment tools and an outline for a father’s support group.
The Father Engagement Workgroup was charged with the following tasks:

  1. Develop a regional cross training to improve father engagement;
  2. Review ABA bench cards and align them with Pennsylvania protocols to be distributed to judges and hearing officers,
  3. Identify best practices for father support groups that could be replicated throughout the state;
  4. Identify barriers and solutions to successfully engaging fathers in the lives of their children who are part if the child welfare system, and
  5. Develop a strategy to print and distribute an existing Father Engagement brochure. Link to pdf Report


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