Tag Archives: Parents as Teachers

Home Visiting Program Model Descriptions

2012, National Conference of State Legislatures: Presents a description of nine home visiting early intervention programs. Link to pdf Description Sheet

Supporting Evidence-Based Home Visiting to Prevent Child Maltreatment

In 2008, the Children’s Bureau (CB) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funded 17 grants with the goal of supporting the implementation of home visiting programs that may prevent child maltreatment. Grantees are to focus on supporting implementation of, scaling up, and sustaining home visiting programs with high fidelity to their evidence-based models. In addition, grantees contribute to the knowledge base about large-scale implementation with fidelity by conducting local implementation and outcome evaluations, along with analyses of program costs.


Summary of EBHV Program Models

EBHV Program Model Target Population Expected Dosage Expected Duration
Family Connections Families with at least one child age 5 to 11; demonstrated   risk for neglect Minimum 1 hour face to-face per week 3 to 6 months
Healthy Families America Pregnant women or new parents within two weeks of infant’s   birth Scaled (from weekly to quarterly) Until child’s fifth birthday
Nurse-Family Partnership First-time pregnant women < 28 weeks gestation Scaled (from weekly to quarterly) Until child’s second birthday
Parents as Teachers Birth or prenatal to age 5 Minimum monthly home visit and group visit Until enrollment in


SafeCare Birth to age 5 1 to 2 hours per week 18 to 20 weeks
Triple P Birth to age 12 Weekly Varies by type of service (from 1 to 2 sessions to 8 to 11   sessions)

Link to Supporting Evidence Based Home Visiting Web Site This web site contains many resources for evaluating and comparing various programs. It also contains links to resources for each of the programs. However, the primary focus is on implementation and evaluation from a program director’s perspective.