Category Archives: Press Release

Centralized Intake for Abuse and Neglect


Please see the below message regarding the statewide implementation of the new unit that will house Centralized Intake for Abuse and Neglect.

Centralized Intake for Abuse and Neglect

Effective March 5, 2012

The Department of Human Services has established a Centralized Intake (CI) unit to ensure consistency across the state regarding how abuse and neglect complaints to Children’s Protective Services (CPS) Intake, and Adult Protective Services (APS), are documented.  For CPS, centralized intake will also provide consistency in evaluation and decisions related to assignment. Currently, each county has a separate intake unit or person that handles abuse and neglect intake calls each day.  The centralization of the intake process will consolidate all of the individual CPS and APS intake functions into one physical location that will be available by calling a toll free number for everyone to use.

DHS piloted this process in six counties beginning in September 2011 with the purpose of working out the difficulties prior to statewide implementation.  The date for full implementation is March 5, 2012.  The office for Centralized Intake is in Grand Rapids and will accept and process reports of alleged abuse and neglect twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week throughout the year.

Beginning at 8:00am on March 5, 2012, all CPS and APS abuse and neglect complaints made in the State of Michigan are to be called to the Centralized Intake unit.  All local DHS offices will change their automated voicemail messages at that time informing persons who are calling to report the abuse or neglect of a child or an adult to hang up and dial the toll free number below. There is also a fax and e-mail address for your use to send in the DHS-3200 “Report of Actual or Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect” in cases of CPS complaints.

(855)444-3911 (Toll Free Number)

(616)977-1154 (FAX)

(616)977-1158 (FAX)

(E-mail provided for the sending of a DHS-3200)

In addition to the information above, please see the links below that may be able to assist you: