Tag Archives: Adoption

Integrating National Adoption Day Into Your Faith Community

Faith communities can help celebrate National Adoption Day by planning an event or getting involved in a local celebration. Your faith community can also support foster care adoption year round by volunteering, fostering a child or mentoring. Use these helpful tools to guide your efforts:

Bulletin insert – black/white (PDF)

Information Packet: Birth Parents in the Adoption Process: Experiences with Voluntary Relinquishment

The process of adoption can produce detrimental effects for birth parents that may last a lifetime, including feelings of depression, sadness, anger, regret, shame, anxiety, grief, loss, and guilt. Adoptions may involve voluntary relinquishment by the birth parent or involuntary relinquishment through a formal termination of parental rights by the court system. This information packet aims to synthesize existing research looking at birth parents that voluntarily relinquish parental rights and explore some of their experiences throughout various steps of the process. Link to Information Packet

Implementing a Post-Care Service System in Child Welfare

The last decade has seen a growing recognition of the need for post-permanency services as a means of achieving the wellbeing of children and youth who were in foster care. Ensuring the availability and sustainability of an array of post-permanency services to support former foster children and their permanent families—whether birth, kinship, or adoptive—can be viewed as the next challenge for child welfare agencies. The development of the Child Wellbeing Project in Catawba County is an example of a local community rising to meet this important new challenge. Comprises three separate Briefs. Link to pdf Brief 1 Link to pdf Brief 2 Link to pdf Brief 3

Complying With the Fostering Connections Act and Solutions to Address Agency Challenges

The National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and   Technology’s (NRCCWDT’s) issue brief series provides comprehensive technical   assistance to States and Tribes on a variety of topics. Two new issues of   Tips, Tools, and Trends address the use of data to meet provisions in the   Federal Fostering Connections legislation and selecting solutions to   adequately address agency challenges.

“Data Considerations for Fostering Connections”   is available here:

http://www.nrccwdt.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Fostering-Connections-TTT.pdf   (550 KB)

“Picking Solutions That Work” is available here:

http://www.nrccwdt.org/2012/04/tips-tools-and-trends-picking-solutions-that-work/   (608 KB)

Earlier is Better for Family Care: What Research Tells Us About Young Children and Institutionalization

August 2012, Adoption Advocate: This paper briefly summarizes four distinct sets of research on the impact of institutionalization on children. Three are seminal studies specific to the CEE/CIS1 region, covering a wide range of issues in child development. The fourth is a set of meta-analyses based on thousands of adopted children worldwide. Consistent with these studies are new and important findings on the brain development of children. The findings of these and other similar research studies are many, and can be pursued by further studying the resources highlighted in the appendix to this paper. One inescapable conclusion is clear from the research highlighted here: for the sake of their development, it is of the utmost importance for young children to be in nurturing family-based environments early in their young lives.
Link to pdf Report