Dec 28-Jan 3: CA&N Media Articles

Some recent media articles and resources relating to child abuse and neglect.  If you have items that you think would be helpful to include in this occasional post, please forward them to me at the email in my signature block.

These stories were chosen because of their perceived relevance to the child welfare community.  MiPSAC is not responsible for the views expressed in any of these articles, nor does it take a position for or against the positions expressed in the articles.  They are presented merely to provide a sampling of what the media is saying about child welfare.

Charlie Enright, JD, MSW
4907 Foster Rd.
Midland, MI  48642
(989) 600-9696
[email protected]

Michigan Professional Society on Abuse of Children, MiPSAC

This and previous posts can be found at:


WMU Runs the Largest Michigan Program for Former Foster Kids Attending College

Jan 2, Detroit Free Press: The Seita Program allows them to stay in dorms over holiday breaks. This winter break, about 40 students are on campus. Program staff members provide activities and a communal meal at 3:30 p.m. daily. The students get a free education, using the Seita scholarship and other grants to cover expenses. Retention rates are equal to or greater than those in the general university population. The first group to use the program for four years is set to graduate this spring. WMU wants to reach out even more, starting a Center for Foster Youth and Higher Education Studies that will include a $1-million, three-year effort to build a consortium of Michigan colleges, universities and support organizations to promote higher education to foster youths as young as 12. Link to Article

Guest Commentary: Poverty is an Inadequate Reason to Take Children From Families

Dec 29, Detroit Free Press: The foster care system exists to protect children from being abused by their parents. Yet, every day, children are separated from their families and placed in the system for no better reason than their parents’ low income. Link to Vivek Sankaran’s Commentary

Protecting Children or Traumatizing Them? Readers Debate Role of Children’s Protective Services

Dec 29, The Muskegon Chronicle: A story reporting more Muskegon County children than ever entered foster care in 2011 touched some nerves with readers debating who has children’s best interest at heart. Link to Muskegon Chronicle Comments

Mom Facing Deportation is Granted a One-Year Stay

Dec 29, Grand Rapids Press: Victoria Lorenzo-Calmo fled Guatemala to escape abuse her three children were born in the U. S. Victoria was set to be deported by the U.S. ICE in January but cannot take her children because of medical treatment they need in the U.S. Two of her children were born deaf and are under-going cochlear implant surgeries and treatment. But she has been granted a stay, according to a U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement memo. The federal agency on Thursday notified an attorney for Victoria Lorenzo-Calmo that she can remain in the United States for one year. She said she hopes they will give her a work permit so she will be able to stay in the U. S. and work and take care of her family. The Alliance for Immigrants Rights and Reform Michigan held a rally Wednesday on the Bostwick Avenue NE sidewalk outside Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital to push for a stay of deportation for Lorenzo-Calmo. She fled Guatemala 10 years ago as a victim of domestic violence that led to the death of her then-infant son. Link to Article

Love From New Families Turns Lives Around for Michigan’s Homeless Students

Dec. 21, Detroit Free Press: Traverse City and Adrian are running two of the most unusual programs in the state to help homeless children — families taking in a homeless child for a year so he or she can finish high school. It’s an idea that could be replicated around the state to help agencies already besieged by too many people who need help and not enough money to go around. In both cities, homeless children are placed in mentor homes for the entire school year. Last year, 15 students were in the Traverse City program; all seven seniors graduated.

In Adrian, 13 children were in the program last year and all of them also graduated from high school, including two valedictorians. The mentor family receives a $200 stipend per month for mentoring and food. The program is run through Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee and Hillsdale Counties. In Adrian, Catholic Charities pays the stipend and screens the mentor home. The student can attend counseling. Students come from a variety of backgrounds. Some were abused. Others have parents who have mental illness, substance abuse problems or are in prison. Link to Article

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