Tag Archives: Reach Out and Read

Developmental Screening in Children: Web Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics: Bright Futures
Bright Futures provides recommendations for preventive pediatric healthcare.

Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health (CERCH): The CHAMACOS Study
Parent education on preventing environmental exposures to toxic substances is available in the “health professionals” section.

National Head Start Association
Head Start provides a range of comprehensive education, health, nutrition, parent involvement, and family support services to serve primarily at-risk children and their families.

National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC)
NECTAC provides contact information for state Part C coordinators and other early childhood resources.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)
NICHCY provides information on disabilities, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), No Child Left Behind, and research-based information on effective educational practices.

Reach Out and Read
Reach Out and Read prepares America’s youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with medical providers to prescribe books and encourage families to read together.